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HomeAbout NBHRNPuerto Rico Rebuilds!Sen. Norma Burgos asks Obama for release of Oscar López

Sen. Norma Burgos asks Obama for release of Oscar López

By: Manuel Ernesto Rivera
June 14, 2011
Spanish translation follows English
Senator Norma Burgos supposedly asked the president of the United States to release independentista prisoner Oscar López, who has been in prison for more than 30 years on a sentence for the theft of a Wells Fargo truck in 1983. [translator’s note: he was convicted of seditious conspiracy in Chicago and was not connected to the Wells Fargo case]
Burgos had a brief exchange with Obama after he finished his short message at the Muñiz air base and left the stage to greet those invited to the reception.
“I told him that from the humane point of view, it seems to me that he should release Oscar López, given that he has been in prison so much longer than the normal and routine sentence that  would be imposed on an American citizen,” said Burgos.
“That seemed to surprise him, and I saw his expression… (I told him) and I do this as someone who supports statehood, just as I did when I was Secretary of State, when I took steps for the release of many independentistas, who were released, and that was something that a great part of the Puerto Rican people celebrated,” she added.
From Burgos’ perspective, the entire population should join in the call for López Rivera’s release.
According to Burgos, Obama told her, “yes, it should be considered.”
López Rivera rejected the pardon which president Bill Clinton gave to a dozen independentistas because of the conditions he would have had to fulfill.

Norma Burgos pide libertad de Oscar López
Por: Manuel Ernesto Rivera
14 junio 2011
La senadora Norma Burgos supuestamente le solicitó al presidente de Estados Unidos la excarcelación del preso independentista Oscar López, quien lleva más de 30 años cumpliendo una sentencia carcelaria por el robo de un camión de la Wells Fargo en 1983.
Burgos tuvo un breve intercambio con Obama luego que éste concluyó su corto mensaje en la base aérea Muñiz y se bajó de la tarima a saludar a los invitados al recibimiento.
“Le dije que desde el punto de vista humano me parece que le debe dar la liberación a Oscar López puesto que lleva mucho más del tiempo normal y rutinario que le impondrían como pena a un ciudadano americano”, dijo Burgos.
“Eso como que le sorprendió y vi su gesto… (Le dije) y lo hago como estadista igual que lo hice como Secretaria de Estado, cuando hice las gestiones para que liberaran varios independentistas, que fueron liberados, y fue algo de regocijo para gran parte del pueblo de Puerto Rico”, añadió.
Para Burgos todo el pueblo debe unirse al reclamo por la salida de López Rivera.
Según Burgos, Obama le dijo que “sí, que lo habría de considerar”.
López Rivera rechazó el indulto del presidente Bill Clinton a una decena de independentistas por las condiciones con las que tenían que cumplir.

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