Oscar will be fasting on Dec. 10th – International Human Rights Day. He’ll start it the evening of the 9th, and is inviting every person who loves freedom and justice and believes that a better and more just world is possible to join him. The fast is in solidarity with the OWS movement and the celebration of International Human Rights Day. “I’ll be fasting on the 10th of December – International Human Rights Day. I’ll start it the evening of the 9th. i’m inviting every person who loves freedom and justice and believes that a better and more just world is possible to join me. The person can fast for as long as s/he can. The fast is in solidarity with the OWS movement and the celebration of International Human Rights Day. If we are indignados, who believe in the power of righteous indignation, we should be supportive of the OWS movement. This movement has been able to galvanize the people’s righteous indignation and has successfully activated and mobilized a mass force that has shaken the foundation (Wall St. and Washington) of the one per cent that controls the wealth and the political power at the expense of the 99 percent that doesn’t have any wealth or any control of the political power. The one percent is already using its muscle to try to repress the OWS movement and to disorganize it. Our solidarity is crucial. If you aren’t an indignado or occupier there is no good reason why you shouldn’t share your solidairty with OWS. If you want a better and more just world then you have to dare to struggle to make sure it becomes a reality. At this particular juncture OWS represents the possibility of a movement for a better and more just world in the usa. Show your solidarity and use the power of your righteous indignation to struggle for a better and more just world. Join the fast or be an indignado/occupier.En resistencia y lucha, OLR.” Over 2 dozen individuals across the US and Mexico fasted in solidarity with Oscar and OWS.