On July 26, 2012 members of the National Boricua Human Rights Network – Orlando Chapter along with Lourdes Lugo, niece of Oscar López Rivera, attended the 30th annual Latin Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) annual convention at Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando. Lourdes presented an emotional message to the those in attendance on the need to pass a Resolution for the release of Oscar López Rivera. Over 500 hundred members from all over the United States and Puerto Rico attended this convention. After some deliberation and discussion by members in attendance, it was unanimously decided that the Resolution for the Liberation of Oscar be passed and approved. It was an emotional event for all of us and a huge victory for the movement to free Oscar. Pictured below are some of the NBHRN members in attendance with Lourdes proudly displaying the Resolution. From left to right are Rosario Martinez, Rico Piccard, Ivan Crespo, Lourdes Lugo, Michael Rodriguez and Zoraida Rios-Andino. Also pictured is Lourdes Lugo during her speech to members and officers of LCLAA.