On December 12th, NBHRN convened an organizers conference titled “Bring Them Home” in order to advance the national campaign for the release of the Puerto Rican political prisoners. Held at Hostos Community College in the Bronx, over 130 community leaders and students came out to brainstorm and plan the campaign for 2010. Elected officials Jose Rivera and Melissa Mark Viverito where present as well as former political prisoners Luis Rosa, Adolfo Matos, and Ricardo Jiménez. The evenings highlight was a celebration of the creation of the Puerto Rican flag and the birthday of Bronx Assemblyman José Rivera at Hostos Community College’s theater. Several salsa bands performed including Son de la Loma and La Excelencia. The concert ended with a memorable performance by legendary sonero José Alberto “El Canario.”
See article, “NBHRN Call to Re-Energize Campaign to Free Oscar and Carlos, HostosCC 12-12-09.” for slide show.