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HomeAbout NBHRNHuman RightsNBHRN Attends G8/NATO Press Conference at City Hall

NBHRN Attends G8/NATO Press Conference at City Hall

Representatives of unions, faith based, community, civil liberties and anti-war organizations gathered outside the office of Mayor Rahm?Emanuel, 5th floor, City Hall, on Thursday, July 28, at 11:30 a.m. and delivered a letter to the mayor’s office with demands for permits to rally and march to the NATO/G8 summit in May 2012, and a guarantee of civil liberties and the right to protest.  The letter was written in response to the threats of mass arrests?made against anti-NATO and G8 protestors by Superintendent Garry McCarthy of the Chicago Police Department in the Sun Times on July 15th.
The Press Conference included:
Christine Boardman – President of Service Employees International Union, Local 73??, Jokarhi Shakur – student leader, Save City Colleges coalition??, Bob Clarke – Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, ??Joe Lombardo – United National Antiwar Committee.  ??The letter was initiated by:?? Chris Geovanis – Hammerhard Media Works??, Pat Hunt – Chicago Area Code Pink, Chicago Area Peace Action??, Joe Iosbaker – United National Antiwar Committee??, Alejandro Molina – National Boricua Human Rights Network??, Andy Thayer – Gay Liberation Network and Chicago Coalition Against War?and Racism

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