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“Nosotros No Tenemos Armas Para Echar A Pique Sus Fuerzas Navales,
Pero Tenemos el Arma de Echar a Pique Su Prestigio en El Mundo.” Albizu 1930

HomeLawrence written tributesMoya Mzuri, January 4, 2023

Moya Mzuri, January 4, 2023

Presente Comrade Lawrence Reyes!! Saw this minutes ago and am in shock!
Brother Lawrence was such a solidarity activist. So many times he showed up for Puerto Rican liberation, for Africans in the diaspora, for Haiti, for all of us, claiming all in his lineage. Decades organizing with him and supporting our collective work!
Lawrence leading Puerto Rican Alliance and a member of Jericho connected us when comrade Adolfo Matos ex POW needed a space during his tour and I welcomed him and Uncle Adolfo ( just found this flier a few days ago, your spirit guiding it to me) and we talked for hours and Adolfo cooked and gardened while I was at work and we bonded like revolutionaries do. Muchos gracias Lawrence!

We AAPRP in the VI and the VI community lead by Dr. Chenzira Kahina hosted Puerto Rican POW Comrade Adolfo to African Liberation Day that next year in the St. Thomas and St.Croix! They loved our PR elder! Muchos gracias comrade Lawrence! For supporting Pan African Women’s day and your commitment to our political prisoners and even the mistakes in judgement was in your dedication to the movement! We don’t always agree but we should have revolutionary principles to resolve our contradictions!

We last spent Farce of July 2022 with Yaotl Mazahua and the indigenous community and Elder Mo and you spoke with conviction and had another indigenous elder speak from the phone about the liberation of Puerto Rico! Presente Comrade Lawrence!
Your dedicated spirit will live on!! Say hello to Dedan and Shabaka!!

Purchase your Reyes Magos Plate by Oscar to benefit the children of Vieques

Read "Between Torture and Resistance"

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