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“Nosotros No Tenemos Armas Para Echar A Pique Sus Fuerzas Navales,
Pero Tenemos el Arma de Echar a Pique Su Prestigio en El Mundo.” Albizu 1930

HomeAbout NBHRNPolitical PrisonersMessage from Carlos Alberto on the Eve of his Parole Board Hearing

Message from Carlos Alberto on the Eve of his Parole Board Hearing


(English below)

25 DE MAYO DE 2009

Saludos compañeros, amigos y familiares:

Quiero agradecerles a todos ustedes que se reúnen hoy en solidaridad y esperanza conmigo, por su acto de presencia y compromiso. Mañana tempranito me presentare frente al Panel Federal de Libertad Bajo Palabra. Nuestra apreciada y hábil compañera de lucha, la abogada Jan Susler igualmente estará presente. Esperamos presentarle al Panel nuestra petición para que cumplan justicia conmigo autorizando mi libertad. Ya el Panel ha escuchado sus voces a través de las miles de cartas y firmas enviadas; ahora les tocara escuchar la mía. Me presentare lleno de esperanza y fortalecido gracias a su generoso apoyo.

Espero pronto estar con ustedes en nuestro Puerto Rico querido.

Carlos Alberto Torres

Message from Carlos Alberto on the Eve of his Parole Board Hearing

Greetings to my compañeros, friends and family

I would like to thank all of you who are united with me today in solidarity and hope, for your presence and dedication. Tomorrow, very early, I will stand in front of the Federal Parole Board. Our appreciated and able compañera in the struggle, the attorney Jan Susler, will also be present. We hope to present to the Parole Board our petition so that justice will be served in authorizing my release. The Parole Board has already heard your voices through the thousands of letters and petitions sent to them; now it’s time for them to hear my voice. I will make my case filled with hope and gratitude because of your generous support.

I hope to soon be with you in our beloved Puerto Rico.

Thank you,
Carlos Alberto Torres

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