On this week’s episode of the Paseo Podcast, I am joined by Sabrina Alicea. She is the creator of Shop La Maestra, is a 7th grade Chicago Public School Teacher, Member of the Chicago Teachers Unions, CTU Local 1, and a Chicago Boricua with a master’s degree from the Ivy League.
We are going to talk about Sabrina’s Shop La Maestra brand, life as a POC at Harvard University, the realities of being a Chicago Public School Teacher, the recent CTU strike and a whole lot more.
Host: Joshua Smyser-DeLeon, Twitter @jsdeleon
Site: paseomedia.org
Facebook & Twitter: @paseopodcast
Sounds: Notification Sounds + Flor Meléndez Ramos + Adobe + Sabado Gigante
Sabrina’s Twitter + Instagram + Blog
Shop La Maestra Website + Facebook + Instagram
The Puerto Rican Agenda Chicago 3Rs Campaign for Earthquake Relief + Facebook + Twitter