Spanish follows English version
Avelino writes:
To: My Wife, Children, Family and Friends,
On May 27, 2011, I went to a hearing to see if they would grant me a discretionary parole prior to Mandatory Parole. Discretionary parole covers the period after serving 28 months of my sentence. After 56 months comes the mandatory parole. The hearing was attended by the hearing examiner and two prison officials: the case manager and his supervisor.
The hearing examiner explained that it was better if I signed a request to waive the hearing at the time, as there was a slim chance that I’d be granted parole. He said it was better to wait for the hearing on Mandatory Parole, which would be held on or before May of 2012. That was “off the record,” as he hadn’t turned on the recorder that makes the hearing official.
It was when I told him I preferred to go ahead with the hearing anyway that I understood his intentions. He posited that due to the fact that my sentence was very light compared to the serious nature of the offense, he wasn’t going to recommend parole. Then he tried time after time to get me to admit my participation in the events at Sabana Seca and in the mortar attack on the federal court in San Juan, as a member of the Central Committee and the Board of Directors of the Macheteros.
I responded that I wasn’t convicted of those actions, and that my position had been explained in the plea agreement arrived at with the prosecutors, and that it was an integral part of my sentence. He said he didn’t know about the plea agreement with the prosecutors, and that his position was based on the Pre-Sentence Report.
He indicated that his evaluation was based on my participation in the two events: Sabana Seca and the attack on the federal court. According to his evaluation, the classification he was going to give me was 8 (eight), which was the classification of highest danger that exists and which is the equivalent of first degree murder. He was going to submit his recommendation to the Parole Commission, and in 21 days, more or less, they would notify me of the Commission’s decision.
Comunicación de Avelino:
A: Esposa, Hija(os),Familiares y Amigos,
El dia 27 de mayo de 2011 se celebro la vista de probatoria para ver si se me otorgaba la probatoria discrecional antes de la probatoria mandatoria “Mandatory Parole”. La probatoria discrecional cubre el period despues de cumplido 28 meses de la sentencia. Despues de 56 meses es la probatoria mandatoria. En la vista estuvo presente el oficial examinador y dos funcionarios de la prision, el manejador del caso y su supervisor.
El oficial examinador explico que era mejor que yo firmara una peticion de renuncia a la vista en estos momentos pues habian muy pocas posibilidades (“slim chances”) de que se me otorgara la probatoria. Dijo que era mejor que esperara a la vista de Probatoria Mandatoria, a celebrarse en o antes de mayo de 2012. Esto fue “fuera de record” pues no tenia activada la grabadora que hacia oficial la vista.
Al decirle que preferia que de todas maneras se celebrara la vista fue que entendi sus intenciones. Planteo que debido a que la sentencia era muy liviana para la gravedad del delito no recomendaria la probatoria. Entonces trato una y otra vez de que le admitiera mi participacion en los sucesos de Sabana Seca y en el ataque con mortero a la corte federal en San Juan, como miembro del Comite Central y del Comite Directivo de los Macheteros.
Yo le respondi que yo no fui condenado por esas acciones y que mi posicion estaba explicada en el acuerdo, “Plea agreement”, a que llegue conn los fiscales y que era parte integral de la sentencia. Me dijo que el no conocia el acuerdo con los fiscales y que su posicion estaba basada en el Informe Pre Sentencia, “Pre Sentence Report”.
Establecio que su evaluacion estaba basada en mi participacion en los dos sucesos; Sabana Seca, y ataque a la corte federal. De acuerdo con su evaluacion la clasificacion que me hiba a dar era 8 (0cho), que era la clasificacion de peligrosidad mas alta que existia y que correspondia a asesinato en primer grado. Le someteria su recomendacion a la Junta de Probatoria y en mas o menos 21 dias me notificarian de la decision de dicha junta.