Jan 6- Chicago, Philadelphia, Florida, San Sebastian HAPPY BIRTHDAY OSCAR
Jan. 10- NYC Panel discussion and book-signing on Between Torture and Resistance, NYC
Jan 12- Play on Puerto Rican Political Prisoners “Crime Against Humanity” Returns To New York
Feb- PR Governor Garcia Padilla advocates for release of Oscar López Rivera
April 11- Dr. Luis Nieves Falcón, Editor of “Oscar López Rivera: Between Torture and Resistance” and Matt Meyers, editor of “We Have Not Moved”, Chgo
April 24- Unjust Incarcerations: The Case of the Cuban 5 and Oscar López Rivera at Calles Y Suenos, Chgo
April 28- 32 Days for 32 Years- Mock Prison cell begins, Chgo
April 28- Thirty-two Women for OSCAR, Dos hermanos bridge, Puerto Rico
May 23- Crime Against Humanity Returns to Chicago
May 14- Puerto Rico House of Representatives asks for Oscar López’ release
May 2013- Juana Colon High School Unites with Oscar Campaign, Comerio, Puerto Rico
May 24- The Case of Oscar workshop in Madrid, Spain
May 29- Mock Prison cells built in San Juan, Caguas, Mayaguez, Ponce, Arecibo, Aibonito, and over one hundred people go to prison symbolically for Oscar. Major cultural, religious, labor, human rights activists spend time in cells. Puerto Rico
May 29- Events in Aibonito, Orlando FL, Philadelphia, PA, Cleveland, OH and NYC
May 29- Closing event for 32 Years x 32 Days, Chgo
May 29- Unveiling of new Oscar Mural in Comerío, Puerto Rico
May 29- Cuban Institute of Friendship Event for Oscar
June 2- NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera Mobilizes Contingent to Bronx Puerto Rican Parade
June- Amnesty International (Puerto Rico) Press Release on Oscar Lopez Rivera
June 8- Left Forum Conference Panel Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera in NYC
June- Social Workers from the continent support for clemency for Oscar López Rivera; Puerto Rico Veteran’s Advocate General Supports Freedom for Oscar.
June 12- Boston Art Exhibit invites Solidarity with Oscar López Rivera
June 15- Campaign breaks wall of censorship; Oscar López Interviewed by El Nuevo Día, Univision-Puerto Rico and Claridad Newspaper
June 17- Clarisa López Ramos, Oscar’s daughter, testifies at the UN Decolonization Committee hearings
June 26- Boricuas demonstrate Support for Oscar López in front of US Embassy in London
July 3- Walk for Oscar -From Loiza to San Sebastián, PR
July 4- PR Governor calls for Oscar López’ release during his speech in commemoration of July 4th
July 10- New Oscar Murals en Vega Baja, Puerto Rico.
July 18- Puerto Rican Government Commemorates the Life of Nelson Mandela and Oscar López Rivera.
July 25- Philadelphia Vigil for Oscar on anniversary of invasion of Puerto Rico by US.
July 31- Festival Betances Parade in Boston includes a call for the freedom of Oscar López Rivera
Aug 7- New OLR mural in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Aug 31- EDP University, Puerto Rico dedicates its Commencement to OLR
Aug 25- 10k Marathon for Oscar, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Sept 14- Concert for Oscar, San Juan, PR
Aug 31-Sept 1- Fiesta Boricua 2013 Network “dresses” Paseo Boricua with the image of Oscar, gathers almost 2000 signatures, Chgo
Sept. 7- El Nuevo Dia begins to publish Oscar’s letters to his granddaughter, Karina on Saturdays, Puerto Rico
Sept 12- AFL-CIO reclama liberación de Oscar López Rivera, Puerto Rico
Sept 18- Oscar Lopez Awarded Order of Ben Barka, Cuba
Sept 19- Un Grito de Oscar con Eduardo Lalo, Literary Reading and Art Show, Puerto Rico
Sept 22- PR Government conference on seditious conspiracy, Oscar López y Nelson Mandela, Puerto Rico
Sept. 23- El Grito de Lares Dedicated to Oscar López Rivera, Puerto Rico.
Sept. 26- Municipality of Aguada Passes Resolution in Favor of Freedom for Oscar, Puerto Rico
Oct 8- Trovas del Mundo para la Libertad, Puerto Rico.
Oct. 24- National Lawyers Guild Convention dedicated to Oscar in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Oct. 26- Hostos Community College Students in Bronx “go to prison” for Oscar López; Cantata Pa’ Oscar, Hostos Community College, Bronx, NY; “Forging the Unconditional Release of Oscar López”
Oct. 26- San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín asks for freedom for Oscar López at Democratic Party Convention, FL
Nov. 21- Ricky Martin and Draco Rosa call for “ Freedom and Justice for Oscar López Rivera”
Nov. 23- Grand March in Puerto Rico mobilizes over 50,000 people, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nov. 23- Grand March in Puerto Rico mobilizes over 50,000 people, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nov. 23- Editorial El Nuevo Dia asking for Oscar’s Freedom, Puerto Rico.
Nov. 23- Chile por Oscar video en solidarity with Nov. 23 March in Puerto Rico.
Nov. 23- Council of Churches of Puerto Rico passes Resolution Supporting Freedom for Oscar López Rivera in PR.
Nov. 23- March for Oscar in Brooklyn, New York features Rene Perez of Calle 13.
Nov. 26- Network Pasteles Sale raises over $2500 for Campaign
Nov. 30- Puerto Rican Welterweight Daniel Rosario Dedicates and Wins Fight in Oscar’s Name
Dec. 8- 21st Annual Pancake-Waffle Breakfast Raises Holiday Commissary for Oscar and Norberto
Dec. 10- English translations of Oscar letters debut on NBHRN’s website
Dec. 18- “Crime Against Humanity” play on Puerto Rican Political Prisoners premieres in Mexico
Dec. 30- Cong. Alan Grayson (D-FL) calls for Oscar López Rivera’s release.