January 2008, La Red
Monday, December 10, International Human Rights Day, over 70 people delighted in previewing a four-scene preview of Crime Against Humanity a play about Puerto Rican political prisoners in general and featuring monologues taken from letters Carlos Alberto Torres and Oscar López Rivera wrote to the playwright, who have served 27 and 26 years in US prisons, respectively. The preview took place at Batey Urbano, a program of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and featured members of Batey, Samuel Vega, Cindy Maldonado and Melissa Cintrón who performed a series of monologues based on interviews with former Puerto Rican political prisoners and written interviews with Carlos Alberto and Oscar. The preview was a fundraiser for the Chicago production of the play, which will debut in March 2008 and tour nationally beginning in April. Over $500 was pledged that evening and $700 raised in total.